In order to Companion Animal Rescue and Education, you must first be placed on the waiting list. After your name is on the waiting list, you will be called 3-4 days prior to an available appointment so that you can confirm your need and make arrangements to arrive at the shelter. Pet surrender appointments take 15-30 minutes to complete on average, but patience is appreciated due to increased intake on certain dates and times. Below you will find a submission form for waiting list placement. Please fill it out and you will be contacted as an appointment slot becomes available. You will receive a confirmation email that indicates your position on our waiting list and an attachment with available re-homing resources. If you have additional questions you may contact the office at (865)-471-5696. It is always realistic to assume that barring an emergency situation there will be no less than a two-week wait on appointment scheduling. Please prepare to accept calls from CARE. You may wish to save us as a contact on your phone. After three attempts to reach you without contact, you will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list. We only leave a message on the third attempt as our appointments fill quickly. After four attempts to reach you with no response, your name will be removed from the waiting list, as we have so few staff members who can make these calls.
Please submit the appropriate pet profile for your dog or cat accordingly which will be delivered to the Pet Resource email to attach to your animal's waiting list file.